Went for my very first hair scalp treatment yesterday.
Didn't know hair and scalp treatment were different, LOLL
Didn't know hair and scalp treatment were different, LOLL
The treatment cost me for RM28 (bought the promotional voucher from Groupon) and the hairdresser suggested me to add on RM6 for upgrading to a better shampoo during the treatment.
Initially she scanned my scalp and showed me how oily my scalp is, couldn't keep a copy of those pictures as there were some technical problems LOL
Initially she scanned my scalp and showed me how oily my scalp is, couldn't keep a copy of those pictures as there were some technical problems LOL
Gained some knowledge on scalp and hair treatment that I wish to share it here:
(1) Each healthy hair follicle/pore has more than one hair grown (like 2/3 hairs in a hair follicle)
(1) Each healthy hair follicle/pore has more than one hair grown (like 2/3 hairs in a hair follicle)

(2) To really get your hair and scalp to be cleaned eventually, the hairdresser suggested us to go salon for a hair wash once a month (Letting those professional to wash a real clean one for you, play safe).
(3) How to clean your hair and scalp thoroughly? Double washing suggested
⇢ Step 1: Put a small amount of shampoo on your palm (for long hair, a size of old RM0.50 coin).
⇢ Step 2: Rub the shampoo on your both palms, put it on your hair and start washing
*Normally, for people with oily hair and scalp like me, the first washing don't
create much lather/foam on your hair.
*But do not add on anymore shampoo at the moment, rinse the shampoo off instead.
⇢ Step 3: Get another small amount of shampoo (Amount lesser than the 1st time)
⇢ Step 4: Rub the shampoo on your both palms, start washing for the 2nd time *Now, you get lather/foam on your hair.
'Cause when you wash your hair the 1st time, it removes the dirt & oil on your hair. The oil also prevent foam forming. So, when you cleaned everything and wash your hair again, foams say hi!
⇢ Step 1: Put a small amount of shampoo on your palm (for long hair, a size of old RM0.50 coin).
⇢ Step 2: Rub the shampoo on your both palms, put it on your hair and start washing
*Normally, for people with oily hair and scalp like me, the first washing don't
create much lather/foam on your hair.
*But do not add on anymore shampoo at the moment, rinse the shampoo off instead.
⇢ Step 3: Get another small amount of shampoo (Amount lesser than the 1st time)
⇢ Step 4: Rub the shampoo on your both palms, start washing for the 2nd time *Now, you get lather/foam on your hair.
'Cause when you wash your hair the 1st time, it removes the dirt & oil on your hair. The oil also prevent foam forming. So, when you cleaned everything and wash your hair again, foams say hi!
(4) Use a wooden comb to comb your hair, also don't forget to comb your scalp.
You just have to ensure the comb touches your scalp, and of course don't comb your
scalp too hard that it hurts your scalp instead.
You just have to ensure the comb touches your scalp, and of course don't comb your
scalp too hard that it hurts your scalp instead.
Before signing off, do bear in mind that scalp is more important and should be given extra care than your hair, love your scalp! ;)